Looks like my three vacation abroad is officially over and as I take a short break away from emptying my suitcase to step back into dreamlands where exploring the world never ends here on Gadling I’d like to point out a unique site in Paraguay and Spanish word.
Today’s word is a Spanish word used in Paraguay:
realidad – reality
My reality – I’ve returned home only to sort through a heap of mail, email, and have billions of phone calls to return in the very near future. (Yes, billions – really.) In addition to the basics worse part about this whole reality thing is I’ve got to head right back into work first thing tomorrow. On the brighter side it’ll help fill my empty pockets and travel piggy bank back up for the next great escape which could be this Jesuit Missions of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná site found in Paraguay. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Lonely Planet notes you can camp outside of the ruins for free. Free sounds great right about now.
As you begin to plan your first or next trip to Mexico, Central America or South America think more about making the lingo part of one of your pastimes to better bring the trip planning into reality. Amerispan, Cactus Language and IMAC are all good starting points to learning abroad. A free membership at Spanish Unlimited gives you the opportunity to learn a new word everyday by email, gain pen pals and hear audio of the words. Their website is actually a good resource tool for many different Spanish related topics. I won’t even begin to list some of the texts out there that could further your studies because there are entirely too many. If you know of some language books that would be useful please feel free to list them.
Past Spanish words: escalar, cercano