Justin recently mentioned that Wuhan, China has started employing specialist toilet guides to help people unfamiliar with the city find restrooms. The service is proving to be such a big hit hit with business travelers that the toilet sniffer-outers — forced to draft lengthy, detailed receipts (think: reams of Red Tape) in the slow-to-write Chinese script — are unable to retain fares. In other words, people feeling the need to pee are unwilling to wait for the guides to finish writing the receipts — and simply leave.
As a result, the company that employs the guides — the inelegantly named Potty-Spotters — started providing the guides pre-printed receipts they could easily distribute. However, after one guide, Hu Gnoze, was apparently robbed of his nearly-full book of $0.38-receipts, PottySpotters is reportedly thinking of other ways to offer receipts to its customers. Oddly, one of the suggestions they’re considering is providing pre-printed receipts on travel-sized toilet paper rolls, which they argue would also reduce waste as business people would prefer to keep the receipts for their business than actually DO their business.
Can’t wait to see how this one comes out!