Angry passengers revolt at St. Petersburg airport

Talk about overreacting to a flight delay. Passengers on an S7 flight between Frankfurt and Moscow that was diverted to St. Petersburg threw a fit when they found out their flight was further delayed and revolted. After they blockaded another flight from boarding in protest, “a boy in glasses who had been hired three months earlier” from S7 was dispatched to disperse them. He was promptly clobbered.

The Moscow Times article goes on to include some incredulous commentary, as well as some off-the-cuff remarks from the article’s source. Give it a read, close your eyes and try to picture the entire debacle.

I’ve been through Pulkovo a few times in the last few weeks and will admit, it does kind of suck. Nobody speaks English (much less German) and it can be really frustrating to get anything done. Come to think of it, I have distinct memories of being very angry in that airport, although in my defense I had a broken arm and was heavily medicated at the time. I wonder how I would have reacted in that situation.