Old Gadling hand Anna Brones snapped this image in New Orleans, catching a fragment of the 2009 campaign to draft Brad Pitt to run for Mayor of New Orleans. Pitt failed to take the bait, unlike another celebrity, Wyclef Jean, who is currently running for the job of President of Haiti. Jean recently announced his intention to run for Haiti’s top office. He has been hit by scathing yet fair criticism of his qualifications.
Clearly, many celebrities who’ve gotten their public footing in entertainment ponder a jump into politics, though one wonders just how rewarding such a career move actually turns out to be for those who make the jump successfully. Would Arnold Schwarzenegger have run for Governor of California if he knew that he would be saddled with a 22 percent approval rating several years in? Isn’t making music and movies easier than battling interest groups, wacko constituents, budget deficits, and the nasty capriciousness of the 24-hour news cycle?
Got an image of Brad Pitt or his likeness somewhere? Perhaps an image of another celebrity would-be politician? Don’t be shy. Introduce it to Gadling’s Flickr pool and we might just feature it as a future Photo of the Day.