As we march deeper into the 21st century, technology will only become a greater force in our lives. From the internet to mobile devices to the near-imminent arrival of jet packs, innovation will continue to push us forward. The flip side, however, is that we will lose more and more of our old ways. As older generations pass on, many of our old ways will be forgotten. Here at SkyMall Monday headquarters, we rely on the oral histories of our elders to guide us. While we progress into a brave new world, those traditions become nothing more than footnotes in history books. Thankfully, SkyMall knows that we must preserve our customs. Thanks to our favorite catalog, those practices that sustained us during our earliest times can be cherished and sustained. We owe a debt of gratitude to SkyMall for the book that will save The Lost Art of Towel Origami.Most of us take towels for granted. Sure, they dry us at our darkest, wettest moments, but towels are so much more than that. They are inspirational beings that bridge the gap between our world and the heavens. Only when they have been folded into their spirit animals can they guide us on life’s many quests. Their sage advice is held in their complex folds.
Think that towels are nothing but overpriced terrycloth? Believe that folding is just for paper? Well, while you fall victim to one of the many household accidents that occur in the bathroom, we’ll be reading the product description:
You’ll never fold a towel the same old way again. Make a guest bath special with towel origami—the art of folding fabrics into cool shapes and creatures.
Crease and crinkle ordinary towels to create an elephant, monkey, ladybug, palm tree, lotus flower, spinning windmill, skyscraper, and more.
Like the elders once did in the rock gardens of rural Japan, you, too, can practice the art of folding fabrics into cool shapes and creatures. And, by elders I mean housekeeping staffs and by rural Japan I mean modern cruise ships.
Preserving the old ways keeps us connected to our past. It shows respect to those who led us here and inspired us to be better. If we lose those traditions, we lose our way. We must fold our towels into sunglasses-wearing elephants. If we don’t, it’s the children who suffer.
Check out all of the previous SkyMall Monday posts HERE.